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Complaint Redressal

Complaint Redressal Page for Kannadtips.com

Our Team value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible Experience to our users. If you have any complaints, Grievances, or concerns regarding the article, Services or any other aspect of kannadatips.com, We encourage you to get in touch with us. Your feedback help us to improve and deliver a better user experience.

How to Lodge a Complaint:

You can Lodge a complaint by sending an email to our dedicated Complaint Redressal Team at the following Email Address:

Email: support@kannada.com

Please make sure to include the following details in your email:

  1. Subject Line: Clearly mention the nature of your complaint in the subject ling for quick Identification and resolution.
  2. Your Full Name: Provide your full name as is helps us to address you properly
  3. Contact Information: Include a valid email address and phone number so the we can reach out to you if further information is required.
  4. Date and Time: Specify the date and time of the incident or issue related to you complaint.
  5. Detailed Description: Clearly explain the nature of your complaint, providing as much detail as possible. This will help us better understand the issue and take appropriate action.
  6. Screenshots Of Documents: If applicable, attach relevant Screenshots or any supporting Documents that can substantiate your Complaint

Our Commitment to You:

  1. Acknowledgment: Once we receive your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgment email within 24 hours to confirm that we have received you complaint
  2. Timely Resolution: Our Team will investigate your complaint thoroughly and strive to provide a resolution as quickly as possible. However, the complexity of some complaints may require more time.
  3. Privacy and Confidentiality: We treat all complaints with the most Confidentiality, your personal information will only be used for the purpose of investigating and resoling your complaint
  4. Fair and Impartial Investigation: Our Complaint Redressal Team Will conduct a fair and impartial investigation into the matter, taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances.
  5. Communication: We will keep informed about the progress of the complaint and the steps being taken for its resolution.

Contacting the Regulatory Authority:

If you feel that you complaint has not been adequately addressed by our complaint redressal Team, or if you are unsatisfied with the resolution provided, you may escalate the matter to the relevant regulatory authority.

Postal Adress


Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Note: This Complaint Redressal page is applicable only for complaints related to kanndatips.com, For any other inquiries or general Feedback, please refer to the contact us section on our site